Monday 18 March 2013

My precious moment in English Language Preparatory Course

Some might say that the perfect day is one in which something spectacular happens. Maybe you spend the day in some exotic place such as Egypt or Maldives or you shake hands with someone famous like Kristen Stewart (vampire), Zyan Malik ( One Direction) and that you greatly admire. Maybe you eat some exquisite cuisine prepared by a world renowned chef, get invited to a party for the elite, or see a moving live performance. My idea of the perfect day may sound quite ordinary to some, but I've learned that the greatest, most precious moments in life happen on ordinary days,  in ordinary place.

I  adore her so much! :D a big fan of her. 

He's so handsome. His eyes *i'm melting.

this is PARAMORE's NEW SONG ! and it's SUPER COOL! :D 
you have to hear this :D

The perfect months for me begins with a sweet welcome from a really beautiful lady and attentive new friends. "I will like those people soon", I whispered to my heart. And of course it happens. A tiny little happy feeling crawling into my body when I am with them. What a nice feeling. It wraps around my neck and cannot be thrown away.
I hope I look like this picture, *so cute.

 Every perfect day goes by, my eyes always get sweet gazes of amazing boys and girls whom I greatly respect. Such a day is filled with the excited giggles of my lovely and teasy friends. There is no need to go far to have a fabulous time. Just in a not-really-big class, up of a building in Kuala Kangsar (someone mentions it Kuala Kangsor, accents). All it takes is teamwork between one person to another person in doing task teacher give to us. Shaking hands, telling jokes, laughing till our tummies hurt, sharing stories, exploring Kuala Kangsor town, learning, and loving each other at the same time.

It doesn't require weeks of planning, traveling long distances, or  hundreds of dollars just a willingness to do so all those fun and awsome things. Jus enjoy every moment full hearted. In summary, the perfect day for me is spend enjoying precious moments with those I love the most. Friends. Teacher.

Last Wednesday was one of my perfect day in my eighteen years live on this Earth ( thank God ). A day spent eating in front of my teacher's house ( nice house ), exploring her house (and saw her pets, plenty of cute rabbits and cats ) and enjoying nature there ( because her house is full of green things ). It was so calm in her house. I liked the surroundings. Eating nasi minyak was so much fun because my tummy made a sound of a singer, Little Mix-Wings. It was not good. That song is so catchy. It was already evening and I did not eat anything before that! But i made my face look calm and relax when I saw foods. 'Do not look so anxious when looking at  the foods', I reminded myself.

Finally, on seven p.m. I arrived home to crawl under the covers for bedtime stories so desperately after took a bath attentively so every inch of my body is clean after a tired day. Yes, there was scrapped fingers ( I crashed my finger on a fence ), a little whining breaks, but those are ingredients of my perfect day. I love them. Kissing a boo-boo, teaching independence and easing my pain during taking bath had me a great feeling even it was painful.

there are many unforgettable moments during studying this course. I just tell you about the greatest one, the one that really gives impact to me. I love you all. I will miss you all. Take care. Bye.

Sunday 3 March 2013


In a nutshell, as we can see with our bare eyes in front of us, there are a large number of foreign people come to our country either in our town or hometown. Confirm that you do all preparations before go to Malaysia, a cultures city and do not expect local people to live up to stereotypes and do not be offended if they stare and point at you. Just smile back at them. Sure it will brighten your day and others. You cannot cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore, so be brave in taking action but still being cautious with your surroundings.

Sunday 17 February 2013


Nowadays, as we can see around us with our bare eyes, many walls and buildings either they are new or old have been painted and drawed illegally just as at bus station and railway station. Sometimes the drawings and paintings are interesting and can be categorized as art but the way it was done is totally wrong. They must get permission from authorities initially. In Malaysia, we also can see damaged public phones around   us either the telephone receiver is broken or the keypad is. Damaging of the public phone always happen in our country. It can be seen clearly because it happens at almost places that have public phones as one of facilities in their town. Maybe most of Malaysian have hand phones as main communication tool do not mean they can damage this public facility to their heart’s content. What a rude behavior. This damaging problem makes people who have emergency problem cannot use it and aggravate circumstances. It also makes them angry because they do not have option in the mean time. Folk of Malaysia also have bad attitude during using toilet particularly in school and public toilet. They damage the toilet bowl and flush without thinking about others right. The toilet also clogged with many things that people throw away in it intentionally or unintentionally. Mostly the things are tissues and sanitary pads. Damaging and clogging make the toilet very dirty and poorly to be used. This problem also make authorities always have to repair this facility many times in a twelvemonth because toilet is a vital place for humans. Destruction of playground equipment also has been one of the bad activities that people in Malaysia like to do. Our authorities have to spend a large number of money to repair and replace the equipment at there. The children also lose place to play at and parents have to find other place for their child to play at. Other than that, damaging of mailboxes also happen but rarely in Malaysia and more in oversea because the mailboxes in Malaysia usually attach to houses. Consequences of this make the postmen have trouble where they should send the letter to the receivers. All of these occurrences are vandalism activities. 

Vandalism  , an act of damaging somebody else’s property on purpose or for no reason that is done by vandal who does this irresponsible manner. In the context of vandalism, it is done by all levels of society from a child to an old folk. They do this activity in serious and unserious level. However, this bad activity significantly done by adolescence, young people who are still searching for their direction in life and do not have much responsibilities as adults. This cases have been a challenging for authorities to solve it that usually come from loitering and ‘lepak’ activity who done and committed by teenager. Most of the teenagers are neglected, abused, poor, uneducated and idle adolescence. Family who have problems at home such as fighting in front of their children makes the children feel ruin. They have problems at home or being untaken cared child at home makes they go out and try new things and look up for friends who maybe can spend more time with but sometimes it goes wrong. This group of teenagers befriends with wrong people.

Vandalism has been a big and long-term problem that cannot be solve by authorities in quick time to lessen its consequences. Vandalism activities really irritate citizens and tourists eyes. From research that had been done, lack of civic awareness is the prime factor of vandalism especially among youth in every city in the Earth. Civic awareness do not being spread to the next generation by senior citizens or parents is a massive mistake done in citizen’s behavior aspect. Adult in this new era do not aware with the effect that will occur if children and teenagers do not apply with this vital knowledge. They are the generation that will rule our country soon. Our country will be underdeveloped and lack of value in our citizenself if this awareness do not being pervaded now. It is not just like, ‘OK, let’s just tell youngster to be more civic aware’. You have to pervade and practice it constantly without exception to anyone.

The emotional motives of the biggest group of people who do such annoying things that give bad effect to others is they think vandalism is a way to release their resent feel or a way to eliminate boredom alone. Although the motives look so light but society has to bear a great loss to satisfy their desire. They should release their wants to a better way and change their mentality about vandalism activity. They can get two benefits by doing that, one for them and one for society. At least no bad effect to society, it’s alright. They have to think a little bit before do anything whether it has bad effect or not. Youth who not have anything to do should find something interesting and beneficial for them to do during their spacious time without lose any second wasted.

Plenty of ventures have done by the authorities to stop people from do this useless activity. Other than authorities effort, we as a citizen should do the same to. If it does not stop vandalism, maybe it can reduce the effects. There are many steps that we can take to solve this problem but it must be done whole-hearted. Firstly, we have to report to the police by calling non-emergency phone line whenever we see every instance of vandalism and when we witness suspicious activity. This step can make the vandal being take action and maybe they will regret and will not do it anymore. While reporting the vandalism activity, we should personally document each instance of property with photo and dates. That action will help police to do their work more efficient. Also, each of evidence will help build a civil case against the vandal if caught, to force them to pay for the damages to the authorities.

So, we should take this vandalism activity as a serious case that will affect our livings and give numerous consequences. We also have to cooperate constantly without selfishness in our heart because Bertrand Russell, a historian, once said; the only thing that will redeem mankind is cooperation.  By hook or by crook, we have to do it properly and efficiently.

my favorite cartoon : Powerpuff Girls

"Sugar, spice, and everything nice. These were the ingredients chosen to create the perfect little girl. But Professor Utonium accidentally added an extra ingredient to the concoction: Chemical X! Thus the Powerpuff girls were born! Using their ultra super powers, Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup have dedicated their lives to fighting crime and the forces of evil!"

Do all of you still remember what song is that? Don't you? That was the opening song for powerpuff girls cartoon that was first released in 1995. That is my favorite cartoon in my entire life. Powerpuff Girls is fun, right? I like it so much ! I used to watch it everyday during my childhood. So, let me tell you a little bit about Powerpuff Girls if you either not a fan nor never watch it.

Powerpuff Girls members are Blossom, the red one, Buttercup, the green one and Bubbles, the blue one. They always wear same colours so it's easy to identify which one is Blossom, Buttercup or Bubbles. Based on their opening song, we can know how they are made of. The method is so weird, right? I think it's interesting because it produced three awesome little girls who are also brave to defend Townsville, the city where monsters and super powered villains tend to strike this town many times and Powerpuff Girls will struggle to rescue their town. 

                                                      Powerpuff Girls in  male version

 Their 'father' is Professor Utonium, the man who create them accidentally in his laboratory. He loves them very well. He is basically typical scientist. After Professor Utonium accidentally created three superpowered girls in his laboratory, his "children" decided to use their powers to fight for justice. Their arch enemy is the Professor's former lab assistant; once known as Jojo, he was mutated in the same explosive chemical accident which created the heroic trio, becoming the megalomaniacal Mojo Jojo. He later created the Rowdyruff Boys, evil male counterparts to the girls, using snips, snails  and puppy-dog tails.

 When not fighting crime and villainy, the Girls go to Pokey Oaks Kindergarten. They are just three typical cute little kids when they are not fight evil. Their teacher is Ms. Keane.

Now, I will tell you about their behavior. Firstly, Blossom is the leader in this group. She is the smartest among the three of them. She also the one who always do her homework but she is a little bit bossy. She  likes to learn and build things. She also loves candy. Secondly is Buttercup, she is a tomboy. She hates girly stuff and is mostly seen hanging out with boys. She likes being rough and is a tad bit mean. So she likes toy cars and playing sports. She also has a bit of a lower voice than the others.What I like the most is Bubbles ! I like her, she is so cute. Bubbles is REALLY sweet and she hates arguing! She believes in fairy tales and likes stuffed animals and drawing. She is kind of ditzy, but still adorable.She really likes to draw anytime, everywhere. Bubbles is an animal lover. So, she has a great affection toward animals.

Actually I also once copied Bubbles when I was a child. I forced and whined my mother to cut my hair to shoulders and made my hair in two pig tails. She allowed me ! Yeah ! I felt so excited that day. I felt so like Bubbles. I also wore lots of blue, especially blue dresses everyday. When my family and I went for shopping, I will ask my mother to buy me, a blue shirt. Every time. What a funny childhood.

They chose to use their super powers to fight criminals such as Mojo Jojo, always wear a big tall hat or wig and maybe a big dark coat. He has a somewhat Japanese accent and is very smart yet sometimes isn't the best with making plans. He usually repeats himself.

 Him,always wear like red micro-miniskirts, ruffles, colorful makeup and lots of stripes. Him has two sides: Polite, over-the-top and girly; and vicious and threatening. The first is more often in the anime, and he rarely actually seems that genuinely threatening except when he uses his powers in the anime, and he still acts somewhat polite. The second is more common in the original.

Fuzzy Lumpkins

Princess Morebucks, always wear over-the-top expensive looking dresses, preferably with gaudy jewels, and wear a tiara. She is girly and spoiled and rich, and needs an entourage.

 the Amoeba Boys,

 the Gang Green Gang,


the Rowdyruff Boys, they look like a Powerpuff Girls but a bit more boyish.

Powerpuff Girls have super powers  that are : able to fly, superhuman strength and durability, extremely intelligent and fast learner. Cool, right? Blossom good at coming up with plans to defeat their enemies. Buttercup was the most aggressive and best fighter of the Powerpuff Girls (the "spice"), the one who usually attacked first and asked questions later. Bubbles was the most sensitive of the Powerpuff Girls (the "sugar"), the happiest and most extroverted of the team. They are complete for each other to make a good team.

They made so much in my childhood memory, still hoping this show still airing in Cartoon Network channel.
By the way, if you want to play Powerpuff Girls games, you can click here here or here. You can choose there, exciting !

Wednesday 6 February 2013

life nowadays.

fearless :|

                                             I'm not really that fearless to do this. So vertigo!

I have became a fearless lately, since I was in Form 4 maybe. Don't know why. Maybe because I was surrounding by friends that really don't afraid of anything, even the warden in my hostel. We were not afraid of her, doesn't mean we act cool rude with her (actually sometimes, when we thought we blamed for not our fault, kind of rebel a little bit). But we still respect her as our warden and teacher.

We done things that not many people will do. For instance, we clapped hands for the longest time in a school  assembly. Actually I have done this several times each other in our gang to stand the longest after people had sat. I confess I've done it and often won. I did a trick during this standing, I made movement to lift my baju kurung a litte bit and tried to comfort myself to sit, easy right? people will think I will sit, just like them. I won and I got treated with many sticks ice creams. It's relieving because they treated me during sun is beaming its light, on afternoon.

                                                             Fuhh, it makes me sweaty.
Next, when we were walking behind people in school who were extremely slow, we just like 'Move b*tch turtles, get out of the way and walked through them. Actually it's kind of arrogant and rude but who cares, they were our juniors. Seniors ruled but we still treat them as our sister because what comes around, goes around. I don't want neither my daughter nor my granddaughter being treated badly by her seniors.

Now and then, I think we have to be fearless. It gives benefits and bad consequences sometimes. Fearless fun sometimes, especially when having fun with friends but never go overboard in doing things. I always remind that to myself.

Monday 28 January 2013

myself c:

Swimming with sharks, bungee jumping over sharp rocks, talking to shrubs, her hands, the sidewalk or a wall, laughing hysterically at random things, barking to every telephone pole they see, eat something that alive such as ant etc. Do you know anyone who would do those crazy things? Well, that's me! hahaha. but if I can only live more than once. Hi, im Aimi. A Muslim eighteen years old girl, standing at height of 5'2 with a terrorizing look of her slanting eyes. My birthday is March 7th. I live in Perak. It is very beautiful view at there, Im fortunately happy to live there.

Next, may I introduce my family to you? My father has died twelve years ago. that sad day happened when i was 6 years old, i was just a little girl that time but I already knew what it feels to have no man tht will take care of you but it has been years ago. I have accepted it as my faith, only God knows the wisdom of this situation. My mother is a very positive and determined woman. She has not marry to other man after my father death. She works as teacher in our hometown. I also have 3 siblings, including me. Im the middle one. My elder sister is a disabled. now, she is twenty-one years old but her mind just like six years old girl. So, I have to act as the eldest. Sometimes I feel sad and hopeless but I knew I have too. I also have a younger brother. Now, he is fourteen. He studies in MRSM Gerik, hope he does the best there.

My previous school is MRSM Lenggong. A school in the outskirt of town, all green. Sometimes Im bored with it but my friends cheered me up. I have many  friends and we always did things together. We also have so many thigs in common such as reading, we like reading. It is also my hobby. Reading is fun like we are in other world. my dream is I want to have a bookshelf that have tons of interesting books can spin to another room in my house where ever im at. It is amazing, right? my book lover side also can be seen when i will be super excited when i get to a library that I never been. Sometimes I read because I want to escape the reality  
in my life. Sometimes its hard to find peace and happiness just like in fairy tale, "happily ever after". 

I also have a dream in my life and something I really want to do to make my life more happier and better than before. I have listed it, four things. I hope I can do it before I die. Firstly, I want to make peace with my past so it does not spoil my future. That means I have to let go of my past and never look back so I can focus with my future. Secondly, I have to remember what others think of you is none of your business. I am who I am. Never judge me. Next, time heals everything. Give time, some time. I have to be patient in all things, sometimes eager dominate me. Last, I need to smile because not all the problems in this world are mine. I have to be grateful. Many people have bigger problems than me. Thank God :)

Even though I do random things like im eating cereal, the last piece just like 'catch me if you can'. Im waking up in the morning and just said "cant wait to sleep tonight. when i was younger, i put my face close to the fan to hear my robot voice. cant sleep for hours on bed and feel like i suffer insomnia. pretending like the host of a cooking show when im home alone cooking. i hate when people are at my house and asking "Do you have a bathrooom?"  and I just like want to answer them "No, we shit in the yard". im also paranoid that i annoy people. i also do not understand many people ask me to hear my heart says, I dont know what 'tumtum' , I AM WHO I AM, NEVER JUDGE ME even once.